React Native?

Jun 01, 2024

It's currently past my bedtime, and I just concluded a few tests on Loupp. Then I got some conviction (though I can't remember precisely what it was now) to check out React Native.

For the longest time, my friends have regarded me as a PHP evangelist who hates JavaScript, but that's not true. I mean, I can't do without Alpinejs recently. I just don't see why JavaScript would be used as a back-end technology by anyone.

Finally, today, I would give them the joy of gloating over my resolution to use React Native (my initial choice was Swift for iOS and Kotlin for Android)

hello world

hello world in react native through expo

I'll give it two weeks and then decide whether to stick with React Native, which I've started, or go back to my initial choice of Swift and Koltin.

  1. Edit: Took more than 2 weeks as said, you can check out the demo

  2. Here is the github repo for the source code:

Within the period it took for me to edit this article, I made some tweets about my use of React-Native, here one

From the look of everything, I would be sticking to building native

tweet talking about henry giving up on cross-platform

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